en computerschaak
On May 19 and 20, 2007, we played the 15th User Tournament under the auspices of the CSVN. From Luuk Hofman come the video and photo recordings. The tournament was dominated by the Resurrection & Revelation chess computers of the Phoenix Chess Systems company. Ruud Martin won the tournament with his Revelation Fruit '05 with an Xscale PXA255 processor boosted from 471 MHz to 500 MHz.
In the web links below, you can read Rob van Son's tournament report in Selective Search Magazine No. 131 and replay games. In the same magazine, Rob van Son records an interview with Ruud Martin in which he gives his views on the tournament and talks about his latest creation, the Revelation.
External links
Photos Luuk Hofman
Tournament report by Rob van Son starting on page 7
Interview with Ruud Martin starting on page 31
With best regards from Hein Veldhuis, dated August 12, 2021